This website page provides information regarding Caterpillar 3054 Engines:
Caterpillar 3054 engine is a 4 cylinder 4.4 ltr engine which has either mechanical or electronic injection. Cat 3054 engine has two types of blocks; Industrial block and stress block. 3054 engines with 5HK prefix have stress block.
The engine serial number is located on the left side of the cylinder block.

Note: Always refer to the engine identification number in order to get the correct engine.
We offer different versions of Caterpillar 3054C engines. We can find the right engine for your application but in order to do so we need to know if your 3054 engine has mechanical or electronic injection & serial number of the engine.
- 3054 Engine with Serial number Prefix 5HK
This Engine has a Stress Block, where the starter of the engine goes through the block.
To identify if your engine has a stess block or not, we want our customers to look at the area of the engine where it connects to the flywheel housing. If you have a circle shaped flywheel housing then you have a regular block.
If the flyweheel housing is FLAT on top and U-SHAPPED in the bottom then you have a stress block.
Please see pictures of 5HK block below:
This is a picture fo Cat 3054 Engine Serial number Prefix "5HK" Streesed Block With Turbo

3054 Engine with Serial Number Prefix "7BJ"
This engine has a three bolt pattern manifold.

This is a screen shot for Caterpillar 3054B engine which is an older version of Caterpillar 3054C. This Engine has Serial Number prefix "7BJ" which was built for Caterpillar 416D Backhoe Loader with Machine Serial Number Prefix "BKG" Engine Arrangement number 188-0883, Hore power of the engine 60KW equivalent to 80HP at 2200 RPM.

Here is a picture for 3054 Engine Applications with serial number Prefix "7BJ"

The Perkins equivalent for Caterpillar 3054B and Caterpillar 3054 engine model is Perkins 1004.4 series.
The Perkins equivalent for Caterpillar 3054C engine is Perkins 1104 Series. Caterpillar 3054C Can have a mechanical fuel pump or a electronic fuel pump.
Variations of Caterpillar 3054 engine:
- Turbo or non turbo
- Mechanical or Electronic Fuel Injected
- Side mount Turbo or Top Mount Turbo
- Stressed Vlock or Regular Block
- Acert or Non Acert
- EGR or No EGR
Important serial number prefix to Know:
Please see pictures of non turbo version of 3054 engine that has stress block below:
This Engine has a Stressed Block and is Naturally aspirated.

If your Machine has a Perkins Engine Please Provide the Serial Number to determine the correct fit.
You may have a NL Build, RG Build, RR Builde, RE Build, NJ Built, AG build, AR Build.
The First two Letters of the list will metion the type Build you have.
- Here is a Picture of NJ Build:

If you have a electronic Fuel Injected